Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday August 29, 2015

  Hey sorry I haven't posted in a long time as I said before I have been really busy with school. Oh and I feel forgetting to tell you guys that every time I go up a grade I am changing my blog name, just to let you know. But anyway, I don't like Braden anymore, I don't know if I like the guy I met in history... My life is confusing when it comes to boys. Either way I'm not sure I like anyone right now. So I decided that for my next post I am going to post a video! what do you guys think about that? let me know in the comments. I was looking at Pinterest again... and I found these best freind goals! And Ginger and I have reached these goal! If you want to see pics of Ginger and I go foullow me on Instagram @jolie_2003
best friends  friend.  Best Friends  Best friends!... at first glance this reminded me of Kayla and I :) I love you twi-cousin!!  Best friend picture  .

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday August 22, 2015

 Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been super busy! Like super 
busy. school started about a week and a half ago, I see Braden every day, I know now that he does not like me at all. I think I might not like him as much... as I used to. I don't know, do I? I am confused about my feelings towards him.
  But anyway at school a guy really hot guy at school asked me to be his Girlfriend 2 times! But the set back is that I am not allowed to date until I am 16. I did not even think that I was going to say yes to him, but he is really really attractive! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that he is not Mormon and he has earrings so... yeah... 
  Anyway lets get into it, I was looking on Pinterest again and I found these! 
You only know a part of me, I am a universe full of secretsI did this last year... In the middle of math. My teacher was talking about cancer and since i just found out, i couldnt take it and started silently crying at my desk with one lf my best friends40 Cute Things to Text Your Boyfriend |     Yep.   

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday August 11, 2015

Sooooooooooooooo I start school tomorrow :( If you can't tell I am very sad about it. But
I created these on Polyvore! and they are all so cute! Polyvore Is an app/website and they let you create outfits, rooms, etc. It is like one of my favorite apps ever! I you get one you should follow me!
Untitled #243  Untitled #238   Untitled #217Untitled #213  Untitled #189  Untitled #245  Untitled #244   Untitled #239     Untitled #236

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday August 3, 2015

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been super busy lately. Guys let us take a moment and except the fact that I start school in 1 week exactly. I am literally dying, I am so nervous. I do NOT want to go back to school. Mostly because I am going to Junior High, but I am literally dying! But anyway I was looking at Pinterest again and I found these ( Go follow my "When I marry rich" board)