Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday October 25th, 2015

Okay, I know I said I would post a video but I have been so so busy!! So the other day I DM ed Braden on accident, it was sooo embarrassing here is a screenshot! 
 It was so soo embarrassing ohmy heck!! Well yeah it was crazy! So yeah... 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday August 29, 2015

  Hey sorry I haven't posted in a long time as I said before I have been really busy with school. Oh and I feel forgetting to tell you guys that every time I go up a grade I am changing my blog name, just to let you know. But anyway, I don't like Braden anymore, I don't know if I like the guy I met in history... My life is confusing when it comes to boys. Either way I'm not sure I like anyone right now. So I decided that for my next post I am going to post a video! what do you guys think about that? let me know in the comments. I was looking at Pinterest again... and I found these best freind goals! And Ginger and I have reached these goal! If you want to see pics of Ginger and I go foullow me on Instagram @jolie_2003
best friends  friend.  Best Friends  Best friends!... at first glance this reminded me of Kayla and I :) I love you twi-cousin!!  Best friend picture  .

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday August 22, 2015

 Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been super busy! Like super 
busy. school started about a week and a half ago, I see Braden every day, I know now that he does not like me at all. I think I might not like him as much... as I used to. I don't know, do I? I am confused about my feelings towards him.
  But anyway at school a guy really hot guy at school asked me to be his Girlfriend 2 times! But the set back is that I am not allowed to date until I am 16. I did not even think that I was going to say yes to him, but he is really really attractive! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that he is not Mormon and he has earrings so... yeah... 
  Anyway lets get into it, I was looking on Pinterest again and I found these! 
You only know a part of me, I am a universe full of secretsI did this last year... In the middle of math. My teacher was talking about cancer and since i just found out, i couldnt take it and started silently crying at my desk with one lf my best friends40 Cute Things to Text Your Boyfriend |     Yep.   

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday August 11, 2015

Sooooooooooooooo I start school tomorrow :( If you can't tell I am very sad about it. But
I created these on Polyvore! and they are all so cute! Polyvore Is an app/website and they let you create outfits, rooms, etc. It is like one of my favorite apps ever! I you get one you should follow me!
Untitled #243  Untitled #238   Untitled #217Untitled #213  Untitled #189  Untitled #245  Untitled #244   Untitled #239     Untitled #236

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday August 3, 2015

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been super busy lately. Guys let us take a moment and except the fact that I start school in 1 week exactly. I am literally dying, I am so nervous. I do NOT want to go back to school. Mostly because I am going to Junior High, but I am literally dying! But anyway I was looking at Pinterest again and I found these ( Go follow my "When I marry rich" board)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday July 23, 2015

     Lately I have  been thinking, why would Braden how could Braden like me? But I realized that I am beautiful no matter what. I am loved by so many people! why do I need a guy especially since I am only 12. I see now that I am a princess no matter how many people tell me otherwise. I put on makeup every day, not to impress boys but to look in the mirror and say "Wow I look really good today!" But the thing is that I don't need makeup, I just like to wear it. 
      Yes, I was looking at pinterest again and I found these Squad goal pictures 
And when you land in the water a boat is waiting for you with scuba gear so you can then explore the Blue Hole. Yes please!Why on earth did we do our nails in the middle of nowhere. Now non of is can friends hollywood California   that is what my future is going to  be like with my friendsMake a grand entrance with arms linked. | 37 Impossibly Fun Best Friend Photography Ideas☟follow my pinterest for more pins like this pls☟ 
Like oh yes!!!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday July 19, 2003

So today at church I saw Braden and let me tell you he looks so good in his church clothes! like oh my heck that is all I can say. but anyway change of subject. I found  some absolutely adorable pics of babies!
This is just too cute...aside from the big flower on her head. I don't understand why people think ginormous flowers are cute. I have a couple picked out for Layla that are very small delicate flowers. I don't want her being drowned by a gerbera. 25 Inspiring and Adorable Baby Photos - We have the vintage suitcase to bring this to life! :) Get 100s of free Mega Millions Tickets ...More info here---> #MegaMillionsUnique name meanings
Army dad takes daughter to a military ball before he's deployed | The Frosted Petticoat. So very sweet! Um. I just died of cuteness 
aren't they so cute!? Comment down below if you think they are just so adorable! Okay so last night I came to the conclusion that I really need to get back in shape and start dancing if I want to do palm at MVT! So here is my work out routine
 1. 10 push ups 
 2. 50 sit ups 
 3. 50 mountain climbers
 4. 25 squat jumps 
 5. 50 mountain climbers 
 6. 20 v ups 
 7. side v ups ( both sides )
 8. 50 mountain climbers